Leverage Outside Expertise Without Losing In-House Knowledge

October 7, 2024
Brandon Gardner

As a founder or a key decision-maker in a growing company, you know how crucial it is to get the product right. That’s why I often hear concerns about bringing in a fractional product or design partner. One of the most common reasons for pushback? “We need to keep all the knowledge in-house, so it can help drive the business forward.”

I get it. This is a totally valid concern. Your people, especially those in product, hold a deep understanding of your business, your customers, and your vision. Having this level of business and domain expertise at your fingertips can definitely help move things forward faster. They know the right people to ask, the places to find answers, and they can innovate because they’re in the trenches day in, day out.

But here’s the thing: often, when I hear this concern, it signals a misunderstanding of where the real value lies. Many businesses believe that keeping the knowledge in-house is the only way to ensure success, so they lean towards hiring full-time talent. However, this can sometimes be premature. You don’t necessarily need another full-time person. What you need is to scale the expertise you already have. And this is exactly where a fractional product or design partner becomes a strategic, cost-effective solution.

Let me explain why.

The Reality Check: What Really Drives Your Product Forward?

Yes, you want your core team to have a strong grasp on the product’s vision, the direction it’s going, the market landscape, and all those features that make your product valuable. They need to understand the limitations, customer feedback, and the competition. These are the things that keep the wheels turning, right?

But here’s the thing, you probably already have people who know all of this. In fact, that’s part of the problem. They know all this stuff so well that they’re buried in it. They don’t have time to execute everything because they’re spread too thin. There are those important projects, the ones that you can’t just throw at anyone, but they’re lingering on the to-do list because no one has the capacity to tackle them head-on.

This is where hiring full-time talent becomes premature. You’re not lacking knowledge. What you’re lacking is bandwidth. And that’s why bringing in a fractional partner is such a smart move. You’re extending your talent, not replacing it. You’re offloading those critical product projects to an expert who can focus on them, without the long-term commitment or cost of a full-time hire. And the knowledge continues with your leadership team. You have just extended their capacity.

Fractional Doesn’t Mean Disconnected

There’s a common misconception that bringing in a fractional product partner somehow dilutes the business knowledge you’ve built in-house. That’s just not true. No one’s coming in to replace your core team or take the reins from them. Instead, the domain expertise and business insight will still live and breathe within the organization—it just becomes supercharged by an external partner who’s there to get important, specialized work done.

By bringing in a fractional partner, you’re enabling your team to focus on what matters most, while they help you execute the essential projects that drive the product forward. The knowledge stays with your company; the value you’re adding is an extension of capacity and you get to do this without the overhead of a full-time hire.

An Outside Perspective Can Be Your Best Asset

Here’s another angle to consider: Bringing in an outside partner also means you get fresh eyes on your product. Someone with a bit of distance from your day-to-day is going to bring a new perspective that can be incredibly valuable. Maybe it’s a different way of thinking about a problem, or a solution that no one in the room had considered yet. They’re not bogged down in the weeds of how things have always been done, which means they might see opportunities that your team has overlooked.

It’s not just about extending your capacity, it’s about injecting your product roadmap with fresh energy and ideas that come from an experienced professional who's seen it all before.

Your Team is Still in Control

At the end of the day, your team, the ones who have made the big, bold decisions that have gotten your product to this point, are still steering the ship. They’re not handing over the keys. All you’re doing is allowing them to focus on what’s next, rather than being bogged down in the day-to-day minutiae of building and executing.

Fractional product and design partners don’t take control of your product. They help execute on the vision that’s already been laid out, so your internal team can concentrate on the next big thing that’ll move the business forward.

Fractional is the Smart Path

So, to those who say they want all the knowledge and expertise to stay in-house, I say: It’s not going anywhere. It’s still in-house. You’re just getting more done with less. You’re stretching your team’s capacity in a way that lets them be more strategic, more innovative, and more focused.

And when it comes down to it, that’s what really drives a business forward, right? You’re not replacing anyone’s knowledge—you’re expanding on it.

So, why not give it a shot? With the right fractional partner, you might find that you’re actually further ahead than you ever would’ve been waiting to find that full-time hire.