Launch Early, Iterate Often: The Importance of Shipping Product (Post 4 of 5)

August 14, 2024
Brandon Gardner

Introduction to the Series

Welcome to the fourth post in our five-part series on the fundamentals every SaaS product leader should master. In this series, we explore essential practices that drive product growth and success. Today, we focus on the importance of launching early and iterating often—a critical mindset for modern product development.

Why Launching Early and Iterating Often is Crucial

This one is easy to say but hard to get right. In the fast-paced world of SaaS, waiting too long to launch can be a recipe for disaster. But simply launching early isn’t enough—you need to get it right, too. The challenge lies in cutting through the noise to find a clear signal. This requires a balance of qualitative and quantitative methods. When your user sample is small, lean on qualitative insights. These close interactions provide deep understanding and context that can guide early iterations. As your user base grows, quantitative data becomes increasingly valuable, helping you spot trends and measure impact on a larger scale. However, in those early stages, being hyper-close to both the end user and the buyer is critical.

The Benefits of Launching Early and Iterating

Launching a product early allows you to gather valuable feedback from real users, which is critical for making data-driven decisions instead of relying on assumptions that might not hold up in the real world. Releasing a minimum viable product (MVP) lets you test assumptions and validate ideas before investing significant time and resources into development. This approach reduces risk by ensuring that your efforts are aligned with user needs. By iterating regularly based on user feedback, you can improve your product-market fit, increasing your chances of success. This approach isn’t just about getting it out there—it’s about getting it right over time. An iterative approach also provides the flexibility to pivot or adjust based on new information, enabling your team to remain agile and responsive to changes.

Real-World Examples: How Got It Right

One of Sembrar's clients,, exemplifies this approach from day one. Before building a solution, they used spreadsheets to simulate and identify the problem they needed to solve for their clients. After numerous conversations with industry experts, they built a light tool that was about 50% manual in operation. This early version allowed them to rely heavily on quantitative feedback from their customers. Over a 6-12 month period, gradually automated the entire tool, transitioning from a partially manual process to a fully automated solution. Once they were confident in the product’s value and effectiveness, they began charging for it. Their success wasn’t about creating a perfect product from the start—it was about refining their offering through continuous iteration and user feedback.

Another Sembrar client took a similar approach but began by testing their idea using no-code site builders like WordPress and Shopify. This allowed them to quickly validate their concept and gather feedback before investing in a custom solution. In both scenarios, these companies didn’t fall in love with their initial solutions; they fell in love with solving their clients’ problems.

Leveraging Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement

To successfully launch early and iterate often, it’s crucial to understand the role of qualitative and quantitative measurement. Qualitative feedback, especially important in the early stages, provides depth and context through methods like interviews, user testing, and expert feedback. This helps you understand the “why” behind user behavior, which is invaluable when your user base is small or when you’re trying to uncover hidden pain points or needs. As your product gains more users, quantitative data becomes increasingly valuable. Metrics like user engagement, retention rates, and conversion rates provide a broader picture of how your product is performing at scale, helping you identify patterns and trends that can inform future iterations. Balancing these two types of feedback is key. Qualitative data can guide your initial iterations, while quantitative data offers the scale needed to optimize and grow your product as it matures.

Engage with Expert Networks to Accelerate Learning

Although it can feel expensive, engaging with expert network communities can be invaluable. These communities provide access to industry experts who you can pay to give you honest feedback and help you learn about your users' and customers' problems. This external perspective can be particularly useful in the early stages, offering insights that might not be immediately obvious from internal data or existing customer feedback. Expert networks can help you identify blind spots, validate assumptions, and refine your product offering more effectively.

How to Implement the Launch Early, Iterate Often Mindset

To implement the launch early, iterate often mindset, start by defining your MVP with a focus on core features. Begin with the essentials, identifying the most critical features that address your users' primary needs. The goal isn’t to deliver a perfect product right away but to create something valuable and functional that you can build upon. Setting clear goals for your MVP is crucial, whether it’s validating assumptions, gathering user feedback, or testing technical feasibility. Having clear objectives keeps your efforts focused. Establish a feedback loop by engaging with early adopters who are willing to provide honest feedback. These users are invaluable in shaping your product into something great. Use multiple feedback channels, such as surveys, interviews, and analytics, to get a well-rounded understanding of how your product is performing. Embracing an agile mindset is also essential. As you iterate, focus on delivering incremental updates that genuinely improve the user experience. Collaboration across your product, design, and development teams is crucial to iterating effectively and efficiently.

Overcoming Challenges

While launching early and iterating often is crucial, it’s also challenging. Managing stakeholder expectations is key; keeping them in the loop from the beginning can help set realistic expectations about the MVP process and its potential impact on the final product. Balancing quality and speed is another challenge. While speed is important, it’s essential not to sacrifice quality—ensure that even your early iterations meet a level of quality that satisfies user needs. Handling negative feedback is another challenge; feedback isn’t always easy to hear, especially when it’s negative, but it’s a goldmine for improvement. Use it to refine your product and show users that you’re listening.

Further Reading

For those who want to dive deeper into the importance of launching early and iterating often, here are three excellent resources. "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries introduces the concept of building and learning through rapid, iterative experimentation and is essential for anyone looking to adopt a lean approach to product development. "Sprint" by Jake Knapp provides a step-by-step guide to solving tough problems, testing new ideas, and iterating quickly through design sprints. "Inspired" by Marty Cagan covers how to create products that customers love and emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs through regular engagement.


Embracing the mindset of launching early and iterating often is not just about moving fast; it's about building a product that meets user needs and adapts to a changing market. By implementing this approach, product leaders can reduce risk, improve product-market fit, and drive long-term success.

Stay Tuned

Our hope is that little reminders of these basics will be enough for you and your team to make those small changes that, when made, make all the difference. Follow along as we explore the remaining basics in our series, equipping you with the insights and practices needed to excel as a SaaS product leader. Your path to mastery starts here.

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